1 of 2 most famous pot making families in the Chao Zhou region is Zhang's 章氏. Zhang Yan Ming teapots can be found easily, some are collectible items. Beautiful hand made pots, but takes longer to raise. 100 sessions of tea drinking should do the trick. If 3 sessions in a day, 3 days drying after 3 days usage, which will take about 2 months of drinking and polishing to give it a luster shine and great flavor.
Lao An Shun is a brand name owned and made by the father. Rumor has it that pots he made 20 some years ago was so thin and well balance, it won't tip over placing over water with lid on, floats like a boat. I have not tried it with this pot, but tempting.

Thank you so much for posting photos of these two lovely pots and background information. I am new to raising teapots and appreciate your suggestions here as well as in the August 4th post.
At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot, what are the goals of raising the pots? How would one recognize a well raised pot? You mention polishing: does that mean just buffing with a soft cloth? Should I do that after every session? Any other hints or advice you can give would be much esteemed.
Thank you for reading my blog. We all start from some where and keep on learning. :)
Clay teapot in itself is a very broad and important topic in tea culture. It's difficult to explain in short. I'll post an article regarding that soon base on my understanding.
Love this pot! Is this from your own personal collection, or is it for sale through your shop?
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