After a month of exiling, I am back! I am glad to be home, there is nothing like home! Although it's exciting to travel abroad, home is where I belong!
Brief feedback of where I had been in the last month:
Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Dong Guan, Shang Hai, Su Zhou, Zhou Zhuang, Hang Zhou, Shang Hai (again), back to Hong Kong, Gao Tshong (Taiwan), Tai Chong, Alishan, Tai Pei, back to Hong Kong, Macau, Zhu Hai, Guang Zhou, He Fei, San He, Chao Zhou, Guang Zhou, Hong Kong
It seems that I spent more time on the road than anything else. It was great to see places I had long to be. Su Zhou is my favorite city, dinner at a restaurant next to a canel, listen to Ping Tan (a regional music dual), feeling the cold breeze as we stolled along the old granite paved walk way, surrounded by century years old homes with light leaked through wood carved window panels. As though time was set back centuries. My next favorite place is San He, a small water town in An Hui Province. It's not so commercialized as a tourist town, although it's moving toward that way. Here is where real people live, you'll find ladies knitting on the street, dry vegetables and meat hung along the bridges, you might even find the shop runner taking a nap on a sofa while the door is wide open for business. Some how people here are more real than other tourist towns I went to.
Anyways, there are too much to write when my brain can function better, after recovering from jet lagging.
I brought back tea weres, lotsa tea wares! Will post them as soon as I have time.
Business is now back to regular operation, we will ship all orders in the next day til New Year. Hurry in if you'd like your purchase arrive before xmas and New Year.