Today is tea day! The little
"bite" size tea cookie is the most innovative tea product in recent history. Asians can handle loose leaf teas especially broken leaves rather well, perhaps we aren't as fussy with spitting out the leaves while others find it absurd to show such ill manner particularly in public. :P Well, that's one of the reasons why tea bag is invented right?! There is a need for improvement, then ought to be an innovation to meet the demand. Today we are much more conscious about our health, what we eat and drink become the first and most important issue in our lives today. Myself do not like tea bags, the main reason being the bag rather than the content that's in it. A trend started a few years back, nice loose leaves are fed in those plastic pyramid bags, god knows how much plastic is steeped into that cup of tea! Tea bag is like sex with a condom, pardon me! :D Sorry for being vulgar, I can't think of a better analogy that makes a more impeccable statement.
A couple of new flavors came in today in addition to the existing 5 flavors,
TGY (roasted) and
Gardenia Dan Cong Oolong. I am having a cup of
TGY now, only one cookie and I am on my 3rd cup. It's a much better
TGY than the green
pallets. The flavor slowly sip out of the
powdered tea cookie, so it is not too strong being in the hot water the whole time, and it keeps on releasing flavor in the second and third cup. The slow pace keeps the tea flavor just right, unlike tea bags overwhelm you the first cup and leave you short of taste afterward.
These tea cookies are engineered to make tea drinking easy and pleasant with out any effort! They perform just as nice with cold water with a little waiting. ANYBODY can brew a good cup of tea with these cookies, even a 2 years old, no kidding! You can't mess it up. No matter what level you are at the tea
connoisseurship, everyone can use a cup of convenient flavorful decent tea that cost very little, on the road, working out, working, whatever you do when you are not sitting down to
Kung Fu your favorite tea. If you don't poke it with a spoon or shake it violently, the powdered tea cookie stays whole at finish. Yes, they do, and not flavorings, preservatives, and additives are added. Laboratory examined to meet European standards.
I have yet to come up with a nice name to call them. Any suggestions guys? :)