Tea Habitat has opened to the public for more than 2 years now since June 2007. It's been an exciting ride in the business with many challenges and many great happenings.
To commemorate our 2nd year anniversary, we are hosting an open house tasting on Saturday June 20th from 12 to 7 pm. There will be endless tea drinking and snacks. Everyone is invited to come join us on this special day!
We have plenty of great teas to try for the day. One special tea I must mention is the mother tree of Ginger Flower Dan Cong. This tea was sold at a whopping $7k price tag a pound. After 2 years of persistent begging, I have a small sample of the 2009 batch. It's merely enough for 2 sessions. We will be tasting that on the 20th. I have not had this tea myself and anxiously waiting for the right gathering to share with tea enthusiasts for a special occasion. :)
To thank our valuable customers, we are having a 15% off sale on our website during the entire month of June, discount apply to all teas including our special old Single Bush Dan Cong oolong teas and Aged teas as well. Great time to stock up and try the 2009 teas!
Imen, I wish I could be there.
I posted an Event listing on my blog, The 39 Steeps.
Hi Steven,
Thank you for linking my post!
You can be sure to try lots if not all of my Dan Congs when you come to LA! :)
I live across the street and first learned of your shop when a neighbor gave me some Huang Zhi Xiang Phoenix Oolong for New Year. I am been trying to get to your Sunday tastings. So this open house will just be a drop-in? Charge? I am new to tea and I am honored to have so much knowledge and tea at my doorstep.
Hi H,
The event is open to public in a semi-self-served style. Reservation is not required and no charge, there is no guarantee of seating, but we'll make the best to accommodate you. :)
Congratulations! In these shaky times, many new businesses do not last that long. I think you have prospered because you have made the idea of making money second and making friends first.
I have been dealing with Tea Habitat for just a short while, but in that time, I have receivedn such wonderful things, such wonderful teas, and the gifts of your generosity and wisdom. I, too, have made a new friend.
Have peace within you and tea beside you.
Thank you! I am grateful of your friendship and support!
Making money is not my specialty, hence not very good at making it a priority. Not that I purposely made it so. :P
I must say, going in a business, any business for that mater, the ultimate goal is to make a living, if not a good living. So I really can't claim to be a saint. :)
Thank you for your kind words!
A saint does not know that they are a saint; that's the whole point.
I hope the anniversary celebration went well. I wish I could have been there. Just how was that super special '09 Ginger Flower Dan Cong. I'm stuck here with my '98 Hai Mei Zhan and pizza.
I have a little bit of last years Ginger Flower left, although not the mother tree, but it's still exceptional. I'll make a point to include some the next time. :)
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