Saturday, June 26, 2010


三朝日上西杆瘦 汗眼一线横斜焕
犹观天地人间界 轩窗满推轻回眸
篱栏丈八百步短 石榴顾盼云梢头
疑是雁翅展华盖 却是菊裙脚边一醉猫

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tea Habitat website is up and running

After a wrestle and some kick boxing with technology (the fighting part is done by SL, I just ring the bell), our website is back up and running without makeup at this point. But it's functional accepting paypal only. We continue to make improvements in the near future, hopefully with little to no interruptions. Thank you all for bearing with us, the delays, confusions of links, inconvenience etc..

Many thanks to SL and RS!

Monday, June 07, 2010

Temp site for product browsing

Many many apologies for the Tea Habitat website outage. We are making progress but not yet complete. Here is a temp web page for product browsing ONLY. Please do NOT make any purchase through the website as it's not entirely functional.

To make a purchase, please email me with the item link. I apologize again for the inconvenience and grateful for your patience and loyalty! We look forward to serving you better as soon as possible.