My rewards for the afternoon antique hunting! I loitered around the gay neighborhood near by this afternoon, came across these 2 beautiful porcelain bowls.
The first bowl is particularly my favorite. Very nice details, even depth of carving, it seems molded or stamped though. Very thin and light weight. It makes high pitch crisp sound when I tap on it. It's a very good size bowl, 350ml. Beautiful curve, traditional Chinese style. The glaze is almond with a touch of yellow in color. I have not seen celadon bowls in this color with this design (Wan Shou Wu Jiang) in recent days. Love it!
The second bowl is also very beautiful, carp and lotus carving with green celadon glaze. It seems made from a mold as well. Lotus is my most favorite flower, even more so than orchids. I collect orchids because they are easy to find and "easier" to take care of. Orchids are not easy plants by all means. But once you learn a few tricks and live here in Southern California by the coast, the chance of survival is better than say Michigan. The shape of this bowl is more straight or stiff? It's also heavier and thicker, same size as the first one. Simple with fine details, very attractive!