Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dried cherry stuffed poussin

My girlfriend and I went out for dinner tonight at a local restaurant Lasher. She had dried cherry stuffed poussin last time we were there. She was madly obsessed with it. Day dreams of it for weeks, and when we decided to go, she was in trance for a day. She didn't even have to look at the menu tonight, only to find out the chef left the restaurant a few days ago to pursuit something else other than cooking. She was crushed! We grilled the waitress for more information about the chef, where can we find him etc. I feel quite bad for not going 2 weeks ago. I feel obligated to find another restaurants that serve similar entree. My fellow LA friends, if you know of a place serve dried cherry stuffed poussin anywhere in the area, be it LA, OC, RS, SB, Kern, Ventura, Santa Bernadino county, please please let me know, please help me find her little hen! A million thanks!


~ Phyll said...

I'll be on the lookout then. Did that chef get burned out and left cooking altogether?

Imen said...

Thanks Phyll! He's still in the industry but more on the business developing side of it. Sadly he may not cook for a while for the public.