Saturday, February 23, 2008


Take a step back, ocean becomes bigger, sky becomes wider! Every now and then, or should it be more than often, one must attempt to perceive life from a distance. Tonight, this ancient wisdom struck me to the core.

In a previous post, my focus was in tea and tea alone. Tea is my life, my center, my world along with my family and friends. But I was caught up in how tea prices and current economy will effect the livelihood of my business, that I was oblivious to the aftermath of the snow storm affecting those whom live there. Millions of people lost their crops, fruit trees, houses, resources of future income for the coming months and years, and even their own lives. You don't see you don't feel. How insensitive I was! My problems are not problems in a big scheme of universe.

Hu Nan province is one of the area, perhaps the worst affected province by this brutal and unforgiving snow storm. Power was out for more than 2 weeks. Millions people lived in the dark or trapped in remote areas where food and heating materials were scarce. Electricians work around the clock to fix towers and power lines both in cities and mountains. They work an average of 16 hours per day. Groups of 6 to 8 people walked on foot in the mountains over night to track power line/tower failures. Only return to the office for a hot cup of instant noodles in the morning. Upon leaving for the mountain before dark, no one can predict if everyone could come back alive the next morning. Over worked in cold dark icy conditions and in hunger, these are the modern day heroes truly devoted to their country and its people in times like this. To the family members of those fallen heroes, this snow storm is not lovely snow flakes drifting romantically, magically, but the sky - their world collapsed upon them. The wives, children, parents, brothers and sisters lost their loved ones, their source of reliability. How could this be real, many of them asked.

At times as such, it reminds me how fortunate I am to have nice warm bed to sleep on, food is abundant, loved ones are around and well, on top of all, I have a good cup of tea in my hand. What luxury that is! Thank you lord!

Wish all will be well again soon in China! China is a nation of uncrushable spirits!

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