Shang Hai is a modernized and westernized city, from architecture, to life style, to fashion, to living habits and many more ways which mirror American cities such as New York and Chicago.
A few preserved traditional Chinese style communities serve as landmarks of the city. Cheng Huang Miao - City King Temple was and still is the center of city for most large cites across China. The city king protects the people of the city providing peace in mind. The surrounding area also serves as a commerce center of the city where merchants conduct daily business, also is a city square where locals gather for large events hosted by the temple or the government.
ShangHai Cheng Huang temple is one of the most popular place for shopping and dinning. There is no reason Starbucks would miss a business location like this. :P
The center of the Cheng Huang temple - Hu Xin Ting (Pavilion at the heart of lake). We took a break at a tea house by the lake, over looking the lotus and wandering tourists and shoppers. A cup of mediocre Long Jing green cost 30 rmb which is about 5 bucks, so we had macha ice cream instead at the same price. Cost of living in Shanghai is no less than NYC and LA nowadays.
Speaking of living cost, my perception of value is the price matches quality, but this is usually not the case in major cities or touristy towns of China. I would pay 5 bucks for a scoop in an ice cream shop in LA, but the macha ice cream we had at the above mentioned tea house was worse than a grocery store bought macha ice cream. Although location is a big factor of pricing, but quality should also match the location in my opinion. Well, there are too many people in China, even as a one time sucker which most of the customers are, it's enough for the business to survive and prosper.
Great writeup thanks for sharing
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